An arcade game controled bCloud Miningy one finger which you can play offline and contains singleplayer missions.
The Player controls an Armored Train's Cannon and tryies to destroy enemy tanks. Evasive maneuvers and aiming are done by the player tapping into the battlefield and the command to fire is confirmed by tapping on the armored train.
Each tank type can be destroyed by one shot - each tank has a weak spot.
ASTRIKE - Invokes an airstrike and destroys all the tanks on the battlefield with the minimum score. Bombed tanks are counted into the destroyed.
MINES - Player can place the mine on the battlefield where the circle of crosshair is. The mine will activated in 5 seconds and will destroy vehicles if these will drive too close. After detonation will the vehicle drop bonus crate.
TRAPS - Tapping on the icon will build an anti-tank trap in the place where the circle of the sights is located. This is destroyed after a certain time when it is in contact with the tank. It can be removed by a shot. It resists some hits so it's excellent for defense.
HP + - Adds 1 hitpoint to the armored train, but maximum to the starting value.
Thanks for trying out the game and leaving comments with insights, criticism, idea, etc.