Descrição do Descarga Cultura.UNAM
Delve into the best cultural audio content available to listen online or download easily and quickly to be played anytime, anywhere. Generated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, among the collections of this application you will find literature of all genres and periods, with many contents read in the voice of their own authors. You will also be able to listen to theater, music, conferences, biographies of men and women who have marked our history, complete courses in different areas of knowledge and much more.
All this collection can be enjoyed through a simple and functional interface, friendly, with audio controls from the lock screen, quick and effective search filters and a very intuitive organization throughout the collection. In addition, we know that you will like our content so much that at some point you will want to share it and you will be able to do so in an agile and simple way. And don't worry because everything is prepared so that the space on your device and your mobile data are used optimally and sustainably.
We believe that listening is synonymous with freedom and this application was designed so that nothing stops you in your experience of listening to culture.