Free download Paperfly2D APK for Android

Description of Paperfly2D "English" Paperfly 2D is a game in which you have to make a reaction. You only have one life to fly as far as you can. The complete game is hand-drawn with a few exceptions of digital drawings. Can you reach score 1000? On your journey to score 1000 you are going to see different sections with different obstacles. Try to bring the lrummy nobleittle paper to the goal without crashing anything. The game may sound simple but you will definitely underestimate it! More paperflies are in process of planning. have fun. "German" PaperFly2D is a reaction game in which you have to dodge objects. You only have one life and should fly as far as possible. The whole thing was hand drawn and then put into a game. There are only small exceptions where digital drawings are used. Can you make it to score 1000? On the journey to the destination, you will encounter different sectors that have very different obstacles. Bring the little plane without bumping against the obstacles, to the finish! Show your friends who has the better reaction. It sounds easy, but you'll be wrong. Next airmen are in the planning. Have fun "Turkish" PaperFly2D (Kagittan Ucak) bir reaksiyon oyunudur, bir can ile 1000 skora kadar yükselmeniz gerekmektedir. Amac: Kagit ucagimizi kenarlara ve objelere carpmadan 1000 Skora cikartmak. Cok etkileyici ama sasirtici ve sürükleyici .. Oyun cesitli animasyonlar ve bölümlerden olusuyor. Bu oyunun cogu el cizimi ve cok az dijital cizimler mevcut. Her bölümü basarili birsekilde bitirmeye calisin, skorun ilerlemesi ve zorlasan bölümler oyuna eglence ve hirs katacaktir bu sekilde harika bir vakit gecireceksiniz ... Skorunuzu tüm dünya ile kiyaslayin! Ilerleyen zamanda yeni ucaklar eclenecektir .. Bol sanslar, keyifli oyunlar ..! Heyecanli ve sürekleyici oyunumuz sizlerle .. Sakin unutma! PaperFly2D indirmek ve oynamak ücretsizdir.

Version history Paperfly2D New in Paperfly2D 1.1 English Version Update 1.1: -Difficulty What adapted -A New button has been added (Game Control) -Facebook Button has been added Players choose from: Black box replaced by Blue Field and BlueFire in Preview Break What into play with Integrated. Logo and name match the beginning are now provided with a time timer. Please rate this app

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