Leo s Fortune is a game that can without a doubt be called the best platformer on mobile devices. The plot develops around a funny furry named Leo, who went in search of his stolen treasures; our hero suspects that his relatives are involved in the loss of valuables. The gameplay is based on the laws of physics, Leo can inflate, which leads to a change in its Dragon VS Tiger Slots size and weight, using this feature you will have to go through more than 24 huge levels replete with various kinds of riddles and puzzles. Separately, it is worth noting the graphics and animation, all of this is really at its best, mobile platformers have never seen such a level of detail, the music and sound are also beyond praise. And full support for the Russian language only complements the pleasant experience of the game.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 1.44 GBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats new Bugs fixed on Android N and Chrome OSUpdate history-----
Fortune OX