Seven Guardians - an addictive strategic RPG for android devices. The Wizarding World In Seven Guardians you have to assemble a balanced team of uniqueJungle DeLight heroes to confront the forces evil. In this magical game world, you will see how elves, people, gnomes and golems join forces to crush powerful demons, ingenious skeletons, zombies and other undead. Your team will consist of 7 heroes, it is important to carefully choose the composition in order to be ready for battles not only with hordes of evil forces, but also with powerful bosses. Real-time battles You are waiting for addictive and exciting missions, bewitching battles with epic bosses, as well as real players from around the world in real time. The ability to unite in guilds, several classes of heroes to choose from, tasks and missions, a variety of game events, a world leaderboard, an unrivaled story mode, stunning graphics and much more await you in Seven Guardians.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 91.78 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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