Golden Soul part 1 - adventure pixel RPG with elements of the adventure for android devices. Interesting plot Here you will meet a hero who, as a result of unpleasant events, was stuck in a magical time loop ... After half a century of wandering and wandering, the hero's soul dies, leaving only a shell devoid of feelings, which is doomed to eteal torment and wandering around the worlds. The hero wanted to give up and accept his fate, but fate has prepared for him a meeting with a magician who is ready to give the character not only the Golden Soul, but also freedom. Old school surroundings The Golden Soul is a kind of magic fake for an original soul that has no memories, emotions and personality characteristics. But with its help, you can retu yourself to your old self, save your real soul, feel emotions again and deal with a chain of incredible events in which you are involved. You have to find answers to important questions, travel through a dangerous world, progressing through the plot and discovering secrets, solve puzzles, find magic spells and fight the forces of darkness.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 74.96 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languaPiggy GoLDgeNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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