The addictive story continuesIn the second part adventure quest with elements of horror in the story, you joined the resistance squad and now you have to complete difficult missions and rather difficult tasks to prevent Corporation X from realizing their terrifying plans. To get started inSmiling-X 2: The Resistance survival in subwayyou will get acquainted with the resistance detachment, the distribution of tasks, the study of territories, and then you have to pretty tense up to complete all the tasks and interfere with the corporation X.
Even more difficult puzzlesExplore locations where you can find many useful items and clues to move on . It is also important to wear a mask when meeting enemies and create the illusion that you are part of the X corporation squad. In Smiling-X 2: The Resistance survival in subway, you will find many difficult logic tasks, non-trivial tests of ingenuity and creativity, where it is important to save not only yourself and other henchmen of the resistance unit, but also the whole world.
CPU---Android OS5.164rummy.comOpen GL---Free Space 144.92 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newImproved performance;Mistakes fixed.Update history-----