The most anticipated app for cream fans is here! With it you will be able to see the information of your contributions and donations in real time. You can contribute from anywhere in the world.
The fans of the most important club in the country have already woken up. Join EmbajadUr Crema and let's fight together for a centennial dream, debt free. We play our game separately, from the goal to the lead. From the stands to the pitch. The club has already done its job all these years of history, #AhoraTeTocaAti
- Become a monthly contributor for 50 nuevos soles and you will be part of great benefits with our strategic partners.
- If you cannot be a contributor, you can be an important donor for the project. You can donate the amount you want from 10 nuevos soles.
- You can make your contribution or donationCrash bandicoot safely using the payment gateway implemented in the app.
We are playing the most important game in our history and we need all the fans to achieve our goals. #Now it's your turn