Descrição do Christ Fellowship Church
The Christ Fellowship Church app allows you to stay connected with CFC everywhere you go!
- Stream or Download CFC audio sermons or watch Video sermons. Sermons are divided by sermon series for easy navigation.
- View the P-52 Reading plan and read passages from within the app.
- View CFC's weekly sermon notes in-app and take your own personal notes on specific notes from the message by touching the section of the notes that you would like to take a note on. Once the message is finished, you can email the notes to yourself with your personal notes inline with the sermon notes from the app.
- Stay up to date with everything happening at CFC by viewing the CFC calendar in-app. From the calendar you can add events to your device calendar or use the Information button to get more information about a specific event if there are more details for the event.
- Stay connected with CFC through the Connect page where you can submit a Connect Card, view our social media, or contact us.