Descrição do IMDG Segregation
This App will help you to check the segregation between different dangerous goods inside a CTU or the segregation on board. You will be able to check all segregation requirements within seconds. It is based on the IMDG Code Amdt. 38-16 for worldwide transportation at sea and contains all segregation requirements of the Code. The App is working offline, all data is included.
After accepting the terms and condition you can enter the UN numbers you like to check. When touching the CHECK button the result is shown with the applicable segregation requirements (away from, separated from, …) .
There is a check for limited quantities, for the size of the packagings if SG 35 is applicable, a check for the technical name of class 5.2 substances having special segregation requirements and much more.
By taping on a substance the applicable data sheets is opened and shows trummy73.comhe main information for the selected substance. If there are some special information needed (for example the meaning of SG .. ) you will find this when touching the blue arrow.