Objective of the Game:
To create an interactive game to go along with the book. The game will have a three level structure, climbing the beanstalk, the first plateau of the beanstalk and the magical crystal tree. Once the character (player) has reached the end of the game (the crystal tree) they return to the beginning of the game to start again with more difficultly. This will be repeated throughout game.
Strategy - 1st Level – Climbing the Beanstalk
The back yard of Jack’s Beanery. The opening scene to show the back yard and the giant beanstalk climbing into the clouds.
A choice between Millie or Jemma (if this is possible to do)?
Obstacles: black dust falling from above quickly (we could also consider green beans or leaves falling as well). If the character comes into contact with the black dust, they automatically return to the beginning to start again.
The character (player) is to start at the bottom of the beanstalk. A ladder will present itself to jump on to. This ladder will continue to work its way up to the first plateau. A magical sparkling green bean will appear randomly. If the character (player) jumps on the magical bean it will take them straight up to the 1st plateau. The goal of the character is to stay on the ladder until it reaches the destination of the 2nd level.
Strategy - 2nd Level – The First Plateau
The plateau (flat land with some rolling hills) is plush with greenery, flowers, blue sky with some clouds, mountains and rainbow in the background with a winding path.
To continue on with the original character choice.
2nd Level – Game Format
Black circles (negative thoughts as in the book). If the character (player) comes into contact with three or more of the black circles they automatically returns to the beginning of the first plateau.
The character (player) travelling on the winding path is to avoid the black circles by jumping over them and when they come into contact with white circles to jump onto them. When they have jumped onto 10 or more white circles they automatically go to the 3rd level of the game, the crystal tree.
Strategy - 3rd Level – The Crystal Tree
Similar to the 1st Plateau. Blue sky, sunlight, green land, rainbow (perhaps over the crystal tree), part of the winding path to lead up to the crystal tree.
To continue on with the original character choice.
If the character (player) is not successful in catching the crystals they must start again at this level.
The goal is for the character (player) to catch the falling crystal from the crystal tree. Their biggest distraction are the Kookaburra birds that are continually swooping downwards to catch the crystal before the character (player) does. Once the character (player) catches 5 or more crystals or the blue diamond shape random crystal, the character (player) automatically returns to Jack’s Beanery to the beginning and start the game again at the fBlack Jack 777irst level with more difficulty.