Description of Solace - Ninja Vendetta In rummy all apkfeudal Japan, warring tribes have reduced the value of human life. This is a story of a man struggling to come to terms with the world around him. As a child, he was separated from his family. Unsure of what happened to them, the child survived the warmer months by living in the forests. As the cold approached, he wandered too close to the settlements where he was discovered. Taken in by a tribe participating in the wars, receiving needed food and shelter, the prospect of joining the clan in battle appeared to be a fair trade.See his story from days of training.
Version history Solace - Ninja Vendetta New in SolaceNinja Vendetta 1.2.1 Version 1.2 includes a reworked story and play elements. There is a massive reduction of time spent in the training area with greater emphasis on story and story progression.*Version 1.2.1 fixes a bug* Please rate this app
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